Back when I was on Instagram, I was going through “a lot.”
And by “a lot” I mean “comparisonitis” and toxic mindset patterns.
Because, in hip-hop music, it was a Goddess v. Goddess type of world, especially five years ago.
Which made me realize that my entire life up to that point, I had been running through my existence with an “every woman for herself attitude.”
That’s when I “came up with” Goddess Mindset. And I put that in quotations because there are actually quite a few women out there teaching some variety of what they call “Goddess Mindset,” but this is the version I created without knowing that others use the same phrase.
“Goddess Mindset” is based in growth mindset and is simply the attitude that you and every woman around you is a beautiful, powerful Goddess that deserves love and respect.
It’s that simple.
Because, now more than ever, it’s important that we celebrate each other instead of isolating each other.
You see, when you “hate all women” or want to make other women the enemy, you are also subconsciously saying that you hate yourself, or that you are your own enemy.
Having a distrust towards women, as a woman, is one of the most toxic, self-deprecating mindsets to be in. Any mean, hurtful thought that you have towards other women in general is a mean, hurtful thought you are also thinking about yourself.
That’s why it’s important to celebrate sisterhood.
And no, you’ll never get along with all people, that’s just not the way it’s supposed to be, but you can still have peaceful, loving thoughts towards yourself and the rest of woman-kind.
If you’re in need of unlocking your own Goddess Mindset, I highly recommend checking out Note to Self. It is a self-help book that I crafted with a handful of other women back in 2020. We all came together with our favorite affirmations and mindset exercises and compiled them in a book for you. It’s the only group project I’ve had the honor of heading, and it’s definitely one of the books I am most proud of publishing.
I hope you like it!